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Let's Talk Bruh

May 28, 2019

Welcome to Part 2 of our Black Man's Guide for Mental Health series. Next up? Depression.

As Black Men, most of us have been taught by family, media, or peers that expressing our feelings is unacceptable. Unmanly. Weak.  Even when we're at our lowest and know deep down we should talk to someone we still choose not to. ...

May 21, 2019

Welcome to Part 1 of our Black Man's Guide for Mental Health series. First up? Anxiety.

As your hosts, you've heard us joke a lot about how we're both introverts and experience slight to moderate to sometimes extreme cases of social anxiety in various spaces of our lives. But along with social anxiety, what are some...

May 15, 2019

Invisible work. Thankless jobs. When we talk about Emotional Labor these are some of the things we're talking about.  If you've been following us on Instagram this week you've seen women say the following things regarding emotional labor:

- Emotional labor takes work. And emotional labor is not just for women to deal...

May 7, 2019

Brotherhood. Growing up Black. Growing up fast. Relationships. Trying to make it out alive.  What do all of these things have in common? They're all significant themes present in both films in Part 2 of our Black Masculinity in Film series.  

Boyz n the Hood (1991) & The Wood (1999).  Two films both set in Southern...